Translation of the 2nd part of the article in Extrablatt, August 6, 2019 by author Alfred Haas (former mayor of Much). As the first part of the article (the events in Ruppichteroth) is similar to that in the articles of Aug. 2 only the 2nd part (visit of the decendants to the former camp in Much) is translated here. Alfred Haas told the visitors about the former camp. Translation by Wolfgang Eilmes.
As many Jewish citizens were interned by the Nazi regime in the camp in Much Susan, Rich, Ron Gartner and his sons visited the place where the former camp was and where the names of the interned people who were from here deported to Cologne and then to the concentration camps in the east are inscribed on a bronze plate on a memorial stele. There was an emotional scene here, too, when Susan Gartner saw the names of her grandparents on the plate. She was visibly touched when she „felt” the names and dates of her grandparents with her hand.
There is no question that what happened here and in other places must never happen again. And that is why it is important today and again and again to remind of the cruel and brutal deeds so that we stand up against what is happening today again in Germany and in the world to make sure that what happened will not happen again.